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Woodstock, Georgia
Do you want to know what we've been up to lately? We will try to keep this blog updated! Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Jr Homecoming!

Cailtyn decided she would like to go to the Homecoming dance this year. She has a group of friends that are all going. I'm so glad she is making some friends. (And that this dance doesn't involve a boy. lol!)

We went shopping for the perfect dress. It is not easy to find a dress for my tiny 13 year old. Her options in the girls department looked like something a 10 year old would wear for Christmas pictures with the family. Not what Caitlyn had in mind! The juniors department had the style she was wanting, but finding size 0 was tough.

A few stores later we found one that she loved!

My little girls is looking WAY too grown up these days!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Double ear infection:-(

Poor Lydia has another double ear infection. Her sleep has been off for about a week. She was a screaming mess last night and most of today. Earlier in the week, I wasn't sure if it was the cold she was getting over, teeth or her ears. It's so hard to know! The waking at night and crabby fits have gotten worse, so I brought her in to a minute clinic today. Poor thing has a double ear infection. This is her 4th one since March. As soon as we get our insurance all straightened out I'll be getting her into a doctor. I really hope she doesn't have to have tubes, but I also hate that she keeps getting the infections.

She must be getting used to the ear checks, though. She happily went to the doctor and let her look in her ears today.

Praying this is the last one!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Day of School!

Caitlyn's first day of 8th grade was August 1st. She has been doing really well and seems to be liking the new school. She has been moved up to advanced band and is looking forward to a band trip to Disney World this year!! I'm so glad she has had such a good attitude about moving here and starting another new school.

Miss Lydia had her first day of preschool today! She was so excited about taking her Scooby Doo backpack and snack box with her.

I was a little nervous because she has not been crazy about leaving her mommy lately. She was happily playing in her new classroom until I tried to leave. Then, she broke out the tears....and screaming. :-( Her teacher said the crying lasted about 30 minutes. I guess it could have been worse, but I am hoping this isn't how we start every preschool morning! When I picked her up she was happily playing with her new friends. She told me all about playing with play-doh and going outside. I think it was a good first day!

8th grade and preschool, how did this happen? These kids are growing up too fast!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Lydia!

Yesterday was Lydia's 2nd birthday. Can't believe it! She is such a fun little girl to be around. She amazes everyone by knowing her ABC's, counting, colors and talking a mile a minute!

Eric's parents have been here this week. It was awesome to have them here for the celebration. Miss Lydia was spoiled with many new toys!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


That is what the past few months have been! We found out about the move to Georgia in April. Getting the house rented out, packed up and moving out here was a process. I am happy to report that we all survived and are settled into our new home!

We broke up the 1200 mile journey into 3 days. The girls were angels. Lydia did some coloring, read some books and watched some movies. Caitlyn helped keep the snacks flowing and her sister content.

We made it to Georgia on Thursday, July 14th. The next day we got into our house. Eric had to pick it out during one of his trips out here, so it was my first time seeing the place. He did a great job! It is a beautiful home. The girls are loving the pool!

As soon as we got unpacked, I had to get Caitlyn enrolled in school. They have a different schedule and go back on 8/1. It's a short summer for her, but I think it will be nice for her to get in there and meet some kids. Her open house is tonight!

I also decided I'd like to get Lydia into a preschool. I looked at 3 of them yesterday. I really like one of them. Lydia sure impressed the teacher with her knowledge of colors, shapes, letters and such:-) We are going to attend their Sunday morning service and we will decide after that if it's the right fit. She has been talking about going to school all day. I think she will love it!

We went down to Eric's office this week too. The girls loved seeing where dad heads off to every day.

This weekend we are heading out to find a bed for the guest room. I hope it gets used often by all of you Minnesotans!

The new place!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I started the C25K (couch to 5K) program a couple of weeks ago. My droid has an app that I downloaded for it. I love that it tells me what to do every week. The first week it tells you to alternate jogging for 60 seconds and walking for 90 seconds for a total of 20 minutes. As the weeks go by, you jog more and walk less. I just finished week 2 day 2 and it feels good and painful! Ha! I'm definitely feeling it in my legs, but I really enjoy plugging the headphones in and going for a jog.

I even bought a jogging stroller so I can take Lydia with me. Caitlyn often bikes with me, too. It's a fun way to get out in the morning or evening.

It's a 9 week program. Wish me luck on getting through it!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

We have renters!

The thought of paying a mortgage here and rent in Georgia was enough to make this newly one income family nauseous!

I showed our house to a family a couple of weeks ago and they came over on Tuesday to sign a lease. They will be moving in July 15th. They are currently apartment renters and are sick of moving. ( Totally understand!) They are hoping to stay in Zimmerman for a while. I'd love for this to work out long enough for us to be able to sell our house and actually walk away with a down payment! I'd take getting the rent paid on time for a year though. ;-)

Pastor Wendy gave me a dvd called Facing the Unknown. A modern look at the life of Abraham. One of the things that helped me in this video was that things don't always happen when we want them to. God often waits until the last minute and gives just what you need. I won't lie, it didn't stop me from worrying about us finding a renter! It did help me to focus a lot less on worrying and a lot more on praying. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful Pastor in my life and that I have the Lord to help me through this transition. I feel like someone is always there to help me work through things. It's a great feeling.

Only 2 weeks and 1 day until the semi trailer is dropped off! Eeeeek!