About Me

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Woodstock, Georgia
Do you want to know what we've been up to lately? We will try to keep this blog updated! Thanks for visiting!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Weekend

It was another busy weekend at our house!

Friday and Saturday we helped Eric's parents move. They bought a beautiful new house! The movers they hired did the majority of the work. No one would let me do anything, so I guess I was there for moral support! Selling and buying a house is a stressful process. I'm so happy they are done and getting settled into their new place:-)

Saturday night we picked up our crib. Yay! Eric put it together yesterday and I think it looks great in Lydia's room. Here are some new pictures of the nursery.

As you can see, I still have a lot of shopping to do! I think it's coming together, though!

Sunday night we went to Zimmerman's Wild West Days. I filled my mini doughnut craving! Caitlyn played some carnival games and we watched fireworks. I love the small town celebrations!

Hope everyone else is having a great holiday weekend. And, of course, thank you so much to those who have served our country!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

I was very spoiled! Eric and Caitlyn gave me a shiatsu massaging chair. It is lovely and a very thoughtful gift. I've had many pains during this pregnancy! After church on Sunday they took me to an awesome brunch. I couldn't get enough of the french toast and hash browns. Mmmmm! That evening we met Eric's family at Olive Garden. I was so stuffed by the end of that evening! Caitlyn and Eric made it a wonderful day for me. Thank you!

Well, I'm in my 26th week. Less than 100 days to go! I am not a fan of this whole pregnancy thing. It floors me to hear other woman say they love it. I'm so uncomfortable. The morning sickness, SI joint pain, sleepless nights and braxton-hicks are just not fun! I know Lydia will be totally worth it, though! Hopefully this last trimester will fly by.

Here's the latest picture of the bump.....

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The new job.

I love it! I am caring for a 6 week old and 2 1/2 year old. The boys are fun and the parents seem great! I've wanted to start my own daycare in our home for a long time and I feel so blessed to be doing it. Hopefully, I'll get a couple of more kids signed up soon. So far so good, though!