About Me

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Woodstock, Georgia
Do you want to know what we've been up to lately? We will try to keep this blog updated! Thanks for visiting!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hello 2nd Trimester!

Baby Anderson is now the size of a peach! It's amazing that at our ultrasound 5 weeks ago, baby was a raspberry and now he/she is about the size of a peach. I can't believe how fast this is happening! I'm feeling really good. I think the morning sickness and complete exhaustion have just about gone away. It's so nice to feel like a normal human being again! Yay for the 2nd trimester!

In other news.... I am getting really close to getting my daycare up and running. I am hoping to be up and running by April 6th. We did alot of shopping this weekend. I'm so excited to get started! I still need to get some paper work taken care of and I need to hire a helper. Do you know anyone who'd like to work at my daycare 1 day a week until August and then full time during my maternity leave???

Eric has also been getting into the entrepenuer spirit. He and a friend have started an online store. Check it out at http://stores.shop.ebay.com/City-Watch-Games

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Valentines Day Dance

We took Caitlyn to her first school dance Friday night. It was really fun to see her running around with her new friends! The school did a great job in setting it up. They gave Caitlyn a corsage and set up a photo area. There was even a dj! Watching 5th graders dance is pretty funny. Caitlyn even let Eric and I join her on the dance floor during a couple of songs! It was a fun night. We couldn't be happier with our new town and Caitlyn's new school.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The belly...

Well, it's growing! I've only gained a pound, but I definitely think it looks like I've gained more! The first picture is 8 weeks, 2nd is 10 weeks and the 3rd is 12 weeks. There's a lot of bloat going on there!
I've been feeling okay. Morning sickness still comes and goes. I was starting to feel better the end of last week and then was hit by a cold on Saturday. I'm missing the nyquil! Usually I'd just down some of that and sleep this thing off. Cough drops just aren't the same! Oh, well. I'll survive. Hopefully once this cold is gone, the morning sickness will be too and I'll feel like a normal human being again!

Pictures of Baby Anderson!

I had my 12 week appointment today! All went well. As you can see the ultrasound machine had paper this time, so we were able to get our pictures from our 1st ultrasound at 8 weeks. It's fun to have pictures of our little one, even if baby does look like a blob at this point! The top picture is baby from head to toe. The bottom one is more of a head shot. If you look close (I believe you can click on the picture to make it bigger.) you can see him/her giving us a little wave! The doctor was able to find a heartbeat with the doppler today. The baby did not make it easy, though. She/he was moving all over! It's such a good feeling to hear that.
I'm so happy we're almost done with the first trimester. I feel like I don't have to worry so much!