About Me

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Woodstock, Georgia
Do you want to know what we've been up to lately? We will try to keep this blog updated! Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Baby Anderson is a lime!

I'm approaching 11 weeks! I think I will breathe a huge sigh of relief when the first trimester is over. Only a couple more weeks to go! I felt great over the weekend, which was nice. If I have to have morning sickness, I'm glad it comes in waves instead of making me miserable every day! Keeping my belly full helps. I'm going to gain 100 lbs by the end, but oh well. It's all for a great cause!

We went to a live show Friday night. Zed Lepplin put on a fun show! It was amazing how close they sound to Led Zepplin.

I broke down and bought some maternity pants this weekend. My jeans are just too uncomfortable. That's all I wear, so I thought I better find some that are comfortable. The jeans are so much cuter than when I was pregnant with Caitlyn. Yay!

Caitlyn has a Valentines Day Dance coming up. So cute! Eric is going to be her date. I'm also going to tag along, because I can't miss her first dance! There will be a dj, corsages and the whole deal. Hopefully Eric will be the only boy she dances with. I'm not ready for her to start crushing on boys yet!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Not a snow day, but....

A too freezing cold for school day! Caitlyn's school was cancelled today, because the windchill was almost -40. Crazy!

She got to go to work with me, which was fun. The girls play really well together!

I am almost 10 weeks pregnant. I've now made it twice as far as the last two pregnancies. I'm very happy that we've made it this far. Of course, I'm still nervous. I don't think that will pass until I have a healthy baby in my arms.

My clothes are getting tight! (I actually have my jeans unbuttoned right now. lol!) Apparently, it doesn't matter that baby number 1 was 11 years ago. I'm still growing faster with baby number 2 than your average first timer. I'm anxious to get weighed at my appt. I'm not sure if this is bloat or if I've actually put on some pounds already! I'm still super tired. Leaving the house at 7:30am and getting home at 7pm has been tough. There is talk at work about doing shorter days. I think I'd be okay with that!

Well, the forecast is saying 30 above for Monday. I think it's crazy that we are looking forward to that!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The one constant is change.

Baby Anderson is the size of a green olive! It's amazing that something so small is making me so tired and at moments, so sick! I'm still just happy to be feeling pregnant, though. I haven't heard anything back on all of the tests they did at appt last week, so I'm assuming everything was normal. Caitlyn is very excited about the baby. She told her class at school this week!

I finally got the pile of paper work filled out for my childcare licensing application and mailed it out. I'm really hoping to have a daycare up and running by April. I will be about 20 weeks pregnant by that time, so I'm not sure how people will react to that??? I plan on working up until I deliver and then taking a month off. Hopefully, I'll be giving people enough time to come up with a plan for this and won't make it a reason to not choose me as their provider??? The family I work for is expecting their new baby in April. I'd really love to go right from that into running my daycare. I don't want to have to find a job in between. Here's hoping it all falls into place!
So, there will be lots of changes in this household. Hopefully they all go smooth!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Introducing Baby Anderson!

Eric and I went to my first ob appt today! I'm 8 weeks 2 days. We met with the new dr. She seems great. There was a lot of waiting during this appt and it took 2 and a 1/2 hours from start to finish. Phew! The end was the best part. We had our first ultrasound. After going through our two losses I was really nervous to find out what was going on in there. It didn't take long for the dr to find our little bean. Baby Anderson is measuring perfectly and has a strong heart beat of 174! The ultrasound machine was out of paper, so we have to wait until the next appt to get the pictures. Kind of a bummer, but oh well. It was amazing to see that little heart beating away. Our due date is August 15th!

I have had some nausea and have been feeling exhausted. I am happy to feel pregnant, though! It's almost comforting to have the symptoms of the first trimester going on.

Our next appt is in 3 weeks. Can't wait!

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and well wishes. Keep them coming!