About Me

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Woodstock, Georgia
Do you want to know what we've been up to lately? We will try to keep this blog updated! Thanks for visiting!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Baby Shower!!!

Today Eric's mom had a baby shower for Lydia and I at her house. It was so much fun! She had such cute decorations, great food and fun games. It was so great to see everyone who made it to the party! They were all so generous, too. I can't wait to dress Lydia in her new outfits and use all of the fun stuff we got.

I'm so grateful to be having what looks to be a healthy little girl and to have such a great family and friends in our life.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Father's Day

Father's Day started out with a Twins game! I ordered the tickets last week as part of Eric's gift. Our team lost, but it was still fun to go to a game.
That evening we went to Eric's parents house. They grilled some delicious dinner!
It was a great day. I hope Eric enjoyed it!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Child birth prep class is done!

Eric and I took a 7 hour child birth preparation class today. It was great to get a tour of the family birth center. It also makes it a little less scary to know where we will go and what will happen once we get there! Seeing the hospital and talking about labor and delivery all day made me really anxious and excited for the big day. It all seems very real now! I'm starting to get nervous. Hopefully this labor and delivery will go a little faster than my last one!

Lydia's room is looking good! We bought a dresser and letters that spell her name to hang on the wall. Eric put the dresser together and it looks great with the other furniture. Yay! I'm planning on painting the letters, but am having a hard time deciding the colors/design. Hmmmm....hopefully I'll think of something soon.

Well, only 6-9 weeks left until we meet Lydia. Eek!

Caitlyn's summer vacation has officially started. This is the first year she's been able to stay home and I think she likes it. She has fun playing with the baby and 2 1/2 year old I take care of. She also has a few friends in the neighborhood to run around with. Hopefully that will keep us from getting sick of each other! :-)

Caitlyn has also started her 2nd season of softball. Her team won their 1st game and tied at the 2nd. She's doing really well this year and having a lot of fun!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

29 weeks

Yay for June! I just have to make it through 2 more months and then we'll be meeting our little girl. So exciting!

I had my 29 week appointment today. The weight gain is still crazy to me. I've gained 30-35lbs already! Oh, well. What can you do?!

I've been feeling pretty good. Just the usual pregnant girl stuff going on, now. I'm tired, my feet hurt..... Nothing too major to complain about these days, though. I've been sleeping with my new best friend, the boppy body pillow. I think it really helps my hips and back. Hopefully I can make it through these last weeks without the return of the SI Joint pain. That would be awesome!

I've been told the 3rd trimester flies by. Hopefully it will for us. I can't wait to meet Lydia!

Oh, I realized something this week.....This picture was taken by me. I'm looking down. Where did my feet go?!?

Monday, June 1, 2009

This weekend we had a barbecue for Caitlyn's 11th birthday! The weather was great and she had a lot of fun with her family and friends. I can't believe she is 11 years old! It feels like just yesterday I was pregnant with her. She's an awesome kid and I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend the past 11 years!

Here's Caitlyn on her new slip'n'slide! Wahooo!