About Me

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Woodstock, Georgia
Do you want to know what we've been up to lately? We will try to keep this blog updated! Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Full Term!

I'm a little over 37 weeks, now. So far it's been a rough one. I've had many sleepless nights thanks to the contractions. They are strong enough to keep me awake, but according to the nurses I've talked with, they are not strong enough to be "real" labor. I've also been told this could be the start of labor and a sign that I will have her this week, or it could go on for weeks. Blah!!! I'm exhausted and really don't want weeks worth of sleepless, painful nights! Exhaustion does not help all of the emotions I've been feeling lately, either. I'm anxious and nervous about giving birth and bringing home a baby. I'm worried something will go wrong or not the way I'd like it to. I'm tired of constantly being in pain and feeling enormous. All of these things are ten times worse when I get 2 hours of sleep!

I guess that 39 week induction is sounding more and more appealing! I'm so excited that the end is near and we will be meeting our little one really soon. I also can't wait to be back to "normal"!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Eric, Caitlyn and I were all baptized today! Caitlyn has been interested in being baptized and attending church for a while now. I was never baptized and my family never attended church. I decided a few months ago to find a church that we could all feel comfortable attending. We had been to an Easter event that the Zimmerman Community Church held this year. I also read a little about them on their website and called one of the pastors. We decided to check them out one Sunday and have now been attending for a few months. The children's' Pastor is great and Caitlyn really enjoys his program. I also enjoy the messages that are given and think it's great to have as many positive influences in Caitlyn's life as possible. One of the Pastors has a pool at her home and held the baptism service there today. It was a great experience for our family and nice to be able to get to know some of the other people that attend the church.

Here are some pictures of Caitlyn...

Friday, July 17, 2009

36 weeks

We had an ultrasound today. It was fun to see her cute face again! Lydia has chubby cheeks and was playing with her foot. She is estimated to be about 6lbs 7oz already. Whoa! My doctor said she might do another ultrasound at 39 weeks and check to see if I've dilated at all. If things look ready, then we could induce at that point. I'm not sure how I feel about being induced, but I guess I'll worry about that later.

Everything was looking good for me. I scheduled my last 3 appointments! I'd be okay with only making it to one more, though :-)

Here are some pictures of that cute little face. I can't wait to meet her!

And here's one of her foot....

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fun things we've been doing this summer!

Mid July already?!? Where has the summer gone? I've really enjoyed the lazy days by the pool and lake this year. We've also done a bunch of grilling and roasted many marshmallows over the fire pit that Eric made! So far, it's been a great summer. Here are the highlights!

Mike and Julie's new house has a neighborhood pool. Caitlyn spent the weekend at there house and I think 90% of her time in it!

Sorry the picture is a little dark, but there is Eric enjoying his fire pit on the 4th of July!

Eric, the grill master!

Caitlyn and I did not have to work on July 3rd, so we spent the day at Big Lake.

Hope everyone else is having a fabulous summer!

Friday, July 3, 2009

34 weeks

I had my 34 week appointment today. Everything was great! I can't believe we only have about a month to go before we meet this little one. We scheduled our last ultrasound for July 17th. I can't wait to see how big she is! Hopefully she'll still be head down and looking ready to meet the world!

As my dr would say....I've made great growth. lol! Here are some new shots of the belly...

Last night we finished up the nursery! Well, we still need to find a couple of pictures to hang on the walls, but it's 99% done now and I love how it turned out!

The letters I painted and hung above her window...

Crib, swing and Eric's awesome paint job!

Other shots....

Well, as my due date approaches, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. After going through 2 miscarriages, I think the thought of something going wrong is something I'll always have on my mind. I've been nervous before each milestone in this pregnancy and this last one is the big one! Here's hoping we have a quick and easy delivery that results in a healthy, baby girl.