About Me

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Woodstock, Georgia
Do you want to know what we've been up to lately? We will try to keep this blog updated! Thanks for visiting!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Like I said, I'm a slacker!

Things have been going good around here. Eric has been busy with work. He just received his 11 year badge. His job can be stressful, but the company has definitely been treating him well. He has worked his butt off for 11 years and it's really nice to see that they recognize that.

I have been busy with my daycare. I currently have 7 children enrolled. Most days I have at least 5 of them here. I love being able to be home with my girls and earn an income. This winter has been a tough one, though! Being stuck in the house all.day.long can make a girl go crazy. We've also had many cold and flu bugs being spread around. Yuck! I will be glad when spring really gets here and we can at least get outside every day.

Caitlyn is doing awesome. She is getting all A's in her classes and is still an active member of the National Junior Honor Society. We are so proud of how hard she works in school. She is still playing the trumpet in the school band and loves to play on her keyboard. For the past few years she has played softball in the summer, but this year she is trying tennis. She is a busy kid!

Lydia is doing great, too. She is a talker! She loves having all of the kids come over and play each day. She has remained pretty healthy this winter despite having all of the sickness around her. Most things she has caught have taken their course pretty quickly. She's a busy girl, too! They both keep us hopping:-)

Eric and I have also started round two of home improvement. We just finished painting the entry way. Those ceilings are high! That room will also be getting new hardwood flooring and stairs. The kitchen will be getting a face lift with new hardwood floors, granite countertops and refacing of the cabinets. Can't wait to see it all done!

We have also been hosting small group bible studies in our home. Pastor Wendy has come up with some awesome topics. We are currently doing The Truth Project. The dvd is really interesting. Give us a call if you'd like to join. We'd love to have our family and friends over!

Friday, March 18, 2011

I am an awful blogger....

Just sayin.

Where does all of my time go? This blog needs some serious updating and new pictures! I'm definitely going to do that......tomorrow:-)